Friday, May 26, 2017

Season II: The X-Tinction Agenda Episode 1: Rogue on, Rogue One


We're back, we're bad, you're black, I'm mad.

Season II: The X-Tinction Agenda 

we call it that for reasons yet to be explored. We do talk about the best damn Star Wars movie ever made, brush upon the topic of health issues, and learn more about FIRST BLOOD than we wanted to know. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Episode 7.5 Redux - The Unedited Collector's Trump Edition

Episode 7.5 Redux - The Unedited Collector's Trump Edition

The original release of Episode 7 was heavily edited due to a political conversation. Since this is a geek podcast and not a political podcast approx. 1/2 hour of footage was edited out.

In light of current events we've decided to re-release the episode with all of the footage included.

This is the Original Director's Cut.

Also the intro music. Normally only a snippet of it is used but, what the hell, the entire song is included. I can't find the band to get permission so here it is in all of it's glory DROP DEAD VALENTINE by ??????

Buckle up. ORDER 66 is headed our way!

Episode 7.5 Redux - The Unedited Collector's Trump Edition

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Episode 12 - STEVE!!!!

Episode 12 - STEVE!!!

We lost Steve Dillon this week.  Leonard Cho and Grant Park dust off the microphones, apologize for the inadvertent hiatus, and get back to it!

Westworld, Leathal Weapon, Luke Cage, Steven Seagal, Logan, and whole bunch more in this episode.

Go Cubs.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Episode 11 - Va Heen Ah

Episode 11 - Va Heen Ah

Cho is, once again, irked at Marvel

Episode 11 - Va Heen Ah

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Episode 10 - SDCC

Episode 10 - SDCC

It's Leonard Cho's Birthday.
SDCC happened.
The Killing Joke got animated. is LIVE!
Buckle up.

Episode 10 - SDCC

Download the MP3 file

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Episode 9 - Fe Man

Episode 9 - Fe Man

Iron Man...FEmale?

The comic book business: books vs. online vs. itself

We're old and set in our ways...but our kids aren't! Evolve or die.

Disney vs. Sony & FOX - The Scorched Earth Policy.

Episode 9 - Fe Man

Download the MP3 file

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Episode 8 - Snow

Episode 8 - Snow

It's the middle of summer. Time to cool off. Winter is coming as Leonard Cho Speaks about Snow.

A Game of Thrones.

Episode 8 - Snow

Download the MP3 file